
books about ‘living without electricity’ and ‘surviving power outages’ – Northwestern Europe and North America – page two –

books about ‘living without electricity’ and ‘surviving power outages’ in – Northwestern Europe and North America – – page two – text translation service for many worldwide languages   Many people who live in cities dream of ‘getting back to the land‘, growing their own fruits and vegtables, getting ‘off the grid’ by generating their […]

books about ‘living without electricity’ and ‘surviving power outages’ – Northwestern Europe and North America – page two – Read More »

the ancient underwater pyramid structure off the coast of Yonaguni-jima, Japan – as seen by Dr. Robert M. Schoch – page two

Books featuring the Yonaguni underwater structures “Voices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations” by Dr Robert M. Schoch Get This Book From: Amazon.com Amazon.co.uk “The great 19th-century battle between catastrophists and uniformitarians seemed to end with the notion of global cataclysms being dismissed as a back door to the supernatural.

the ancient underwater pyramid structure off the coast of Yonaguni-jima, Japan – as seen by Dr. Robert M. Schoch – page two Read More »


text translation service for many worldwide languages page six of the high resolution images from the Morien Institute interview with – Dr Paul Weinzweig – Advanced Digital Communications Havana, Cuba   On December 12 2001 the Cuban newspaper, “Granma” reported that during the previous summer, ADC had filmed ruins of a possible ‘Lost City’ submerged

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References for stanton.html

“the wooden pre-megalithic structure discovered at Stanton Drew” 1. Hawkes, N., 1997, “The Times”, daily newspaper, November 11th. 1997, London, p. 9. 2. Mathews, R., 1997, “The Sunday Telegraph”, Sunday newspaper, November 16th 1997, p. 14. 3. Mathews, R., 1997, “The Sunday Telegraph”, Sunday newspaper, November 16th 1997, p. 14. 4. Clube, S. V. M.

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Geoglyphs in Prydein

text translation service for 25 worldwide languages   Bookmark this page  Today is Monday, April 3, 2023  Send this page to a friend The figure shown below is in Wandlebury, England. Note the similarity to the figures on the Nazca plain, Peru, in the way the eyes are very large. In fact large eyes seem

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